What We Do

Weekly Fellowship

At 6:30 PM on Thursdays, we meet on campus to pray and fellowship over the word of God. We also use these times for students to learn and develop our skills in sharing the Word.


Home Meetings

A home away from home! Enjoy a casual time together with Christian families in the community. These are times full of mutual shepherding and caring for one another, and the rich enjoyment of Christ!



During the fall and spring quarter, Christians at UCSD joins our other sister clubs in southern California for a weekend retreat away from the busyness of school. We often meet at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center, a peaceful and fun place up in the San Bernadino Mountains.


Blending Trips

During the winter and spring break, Christians at UC San Diego like to take trips to visit our sister clubs through out US to see the universal body of Christ. This year, we visited our sister club in University of Washington in our spring break trip!


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